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Garden District/New Orleans/Louisiana

Search by birth year

I have more listings. Many are incomplete. Some are very old. Please contact me for more info...


Female Adoptee - Baby Girl
Protestant Home for Babies


I was born August 30, 1966 in New Orleans, Louisiana and adopted from Protestant Home for Babies. My crib name was "Ursula." The adoption was finalized in New Orleans - 9/67

ISO Birthmother -- Her last name was Hubbard and she entered the home after the 4th of July. She was 19 years old (born approx between 8/31/1946 to 1947). Her last name was Hubbard. She was from a wealthy family. Her father was a businessman. She had two brothers -- age 14, 15. She had brown hair, brown eyes, 5'5" -- petite. My birthfather was 21 with blond hair, blue eyes, 5'10". Hoping to learn more and at least get my medical history.

Aug. 30 1966, 8/30/66


+ Nancy is FOUND




Female Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


October 5, 1968.


+ Please contact Kyndall through this website



Male Adoptee - Baby Boy
Protestant Home for Babies


I am a white male born on February 13, 1966.  I was told that I was adopted from the Protestant Home for Babies. I have been in contact with the Dr. that was present at the time of delivery.  He stated that the hospital could possibly have been Southern Baptist Hospital at that time or one of the local homes in the area.  Not much information on the birth certificate other than his name and the cert number.  Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

+ Please contact Morris through this website



Female Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


Female adoptee born on September 14, 1968 at Mercy Hospital. I am looking for my birthmother and/or family members. I now have a 4 year old daughter of my own and would like to find out information about my biological parents (mainly medical history, genealogical information, whatever might be available).


+ Please contact Angeliki through this website



Female Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


Female adoptee born on June 24, 1968 looking for her birth mother. I was born at Southern Baptist Hospital and Dr. Astilla was listed on my birth certificate. I was adopted around July 23, 1968. Attorney who handled documents was Paul Pigman and I was adopted by an attorney and a teacher.  I think that my birth mother was older, in her early thirties or late twenties, and might have been in graduate school. 


+ Please contact Elise through this website



Birthmom ISO of other birthmoms
Winter of 1970-January 1971
Protestant Home for Babies


My birthmom is searching for anybody that was at the Protestant Home for Babies maternity home at the same time she was. Sandy went into the maternity home in the winter of 1970 and left shortly after giving birth to a female baby in January of 1971. Please e-mail if you were a birth-mom from this time frame!


+ Please contact Sandy through this website



Male Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


I am looking for my brother. I just found out about him 4 years ago from my mom. I always thought I was an only child. My mom knows I am looking. He was born May 7, 1966 in New Orleans, LA at Southern Baptist hospital. 7lbs, 13ozs @ 11:40 a.m. Dr. DeLaguardia delivered him. He had blond hair and blue eyes at the time of his adoption. He also had a hernia operation in June 1966.I have copies of my mom's hospital records. He was placed w/ Protestant Home for Babies immediately after birth. 

+ Please contact Tina through this website. 



Female Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


I am searching for the birth mother of a friend.  She was born at Southern Baptist on February 15, 1966 and went by the name of "Paige" in the home.  She had hazel eyes and lots of dark hair at birth. Dr. de le Guardia was the attending physician and the adoption was handled by an attorney named Wm. Treeby, who is still in practice. Birth mother was 19 and worked as a Receptionist. She received financial assistance from the father, who was 29 and unfortunately, married. Birth mother had a brother in the military during this time. Any information or assistance would be greatly appreciated. 




Male Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


I was born September 25, 1966 in New Orleans to a birthmother that was at the Protestant Home for Babies. Oddly, my birth certificate does not list the hospital! Sally Matlock was very involved in the process of placing me with my adoptive family. Wherever she is, God Bless Her!!! She could not have found a more loving or caring family for me! 

I have always known that I was "chosen", and as long as I can remember I knew that I was from New Orleans. My Mom (the only Mom I'll ever know) told me that the babies were given "names" at the home using the alphabet in birth order. I was the "X" baby, and was known as Xavier until I was adopted on December 13th, 1966.

I have just had (at 38!) my first child! Though I have two incredible step sons that I love very much, having a daughter that is my own has raised some of those age-old questions: who do I look like, do they remember me, does my daughter look like my birth family, are they looking for me, who is to blame for me losing my hair, etc.

So here I am! If my birthfamily is searching, I would be happy to communicate with you on your terms. 

Please contact Hans through this website.




Female Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


I was born on October 9, 1971 in Baptist Hospital in New Orleans, LA. I was 4 lbs. 6 oz., so I had to stay in the hospital a month before "returning" to the Protestant Home for Babies (PHB). Sometime in the next 6 weeks, my adoptive parents visited my "home" and spotted me in my little crib! I had one roomie at the time, so their wasn't much competition! :0) Harry and Hazel Lambert of New Orleans, LA decided that I was perfect for them and brought me home for good on December 22, 1971. What a great Christmas gift! My picture was in the paper and everything! I have felt important ever since!:0)

My parents were Christians and brought me up in a loving home. I was especially close to my Daddy, who has now died from complications due to Leukemia. Both of my parents showered me with love and attention! I am definitely a spoiled "little girl"! :0) My dad often told me of the moment he saw me and said "I just had to have you". I am truly grateful to him and mother for raising me and giving me the chance to experience a full and meaningful life!

As I grew up in church, I began to sense a need for Jesus Christ in my life. After many years of doing the right thing according the Holy Bible, I realized I needed Jesus to forgive me of the things I have done wrong and begin living a life that is pleasing to God. So, on March 29, 1995 I gave my life to Jesus Christ and began following Him. My life has been peaceful and joyful amid tough and troublesome times, thanks to Him and I am so thankful to my birth mom for providing me the opportunity to have parents who demonstrated their commitment to Jesus Christ, thus giving me the chance to know God and have a fulfilling life.

Since that time, I met a wonderful man, Lee Eric Hughart and married him. We were both attending New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in 1999. I had just graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University with a BA in Social Work, planning on continuing my education at NOBTS, in order to become a foreign missionary. We met at a "singles outing" and became friends. We would see each other occasionally in the hall and chat for a moment or two and then part. Finally, Lee asked me out and the rest is history! We married on May 27, 2000 at Suburban Baptist Church, the church I attended for most of my childhood!

Dec of 2001, Lee graduated. He received his MDIV in Biblical Languages and I had my MRS. Degree! :0) We had accepted a call from God and City Price Baptist Church for Lee to become a bi-vocational pastor in August of the same year, so now we were on the road to moving to Port Sulphur, LA! I, however, still worked as an editor/secretary at the Baptist Association of New Orleans, while he stayed at home, working out of his office for the church. It wasn't a far drive for him, just next door across a walkway! ;0) I traveled an hour one-way twice a day for 1 1/2 years, before having my first child, Clararuth in April 2003. Since Lee and I decided when we married, that if we had any children, I would stay at home. So, I have stayed at home ever since. I am not bored, though! 2 kids and 2 years later, I am happy being right where I am! :0) Roger Harrison is now almost 6 months old and the light in my eyes! "Roo" is just like her mommie, a bonified, 100% pure "D" Daddy's girl and Lee loves it!

So, that's my story. I have decided to search for my bmom because I believe God has placed that desire in my heart. I have a desire to know my heritage for a long time, but was hesitant because I never wanted to intrude on her life and bring any sorrow. I don't know the circumstances in which I was born, so I knew God would have to lead me and bring our reunion to pass, if I was to search for her. Now is the time, I believe and I think she (YOU) may need me in her (YOUR) life. I welcome her (YOU) with open arms!

If anyone knows her or my birth mom is looking for me and reading this story, please don't hesitate to contact me!


+ Please contact Allison through this website.



Male Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


Hi, my name is Dan Kirby. I was born in New Orleans on July 13, 1972. My birth mother was at Protestant Home for Babies. I have my non-identifying information. 

+ Contact Dan through through this website.



Female Adoptee 4/4/69 
Male Adoptee 2/28/67
Protestant Home for Babies


I was born at the Protestant Home for Babies on April 4, 1969.  I do not have very much information regarding my birth or birth mother; my adoptive mother said that I was called "Orlean" while at the Home.


My adoptive brother was also born at the Protestant Home on February 28, 1967. If you should have anyone who may be looking for him I would appreciate it if you could have them contact me.


+ Please contact Donna through this website.



Female Adoptee

Protestant Home for Babies


Female born March 10, 1965 and was adopted shortly thereafter…


+ Please contact Michael (brother) through this website


Female Adoptee 10/5/68
Protestant Home for Babies


Female born October 5, 1968 - I was adopted by a great Christian Family in July of 1969. 

*Kyndall may be related to one of the girls mentioned in
Linda Pendergast's story!


+ Please contact  Kyndall  through this website.


Male Adoptee 8/20/64
Protestant Home for Babies


I am searching for my husband's birth mother and or birth father. My husband was born on August 20,1964 at 2:22 am at New Orleans Charity Hospital and from their went to the Protestant home for Babies. He believes he was adopted a month later  by his adoptive parents that are now both deceased. They had always said they had no information on his biological parents. My husband has always wanted this dream and it is hard for him to watch a television regarding adoption, because he would so much to find out any information on them or siblings he might have. Also, we have four beautiful children that he would love for them to met, he is such a family person. Please if anyone has any information that could help me make my husband's dream come true please let me know. Thank You.


+ Please contact Mary through this website.



Male Adoptee 2/16/39
Protestant Home for Babies


Male born February 16, 1939

Birth mother name: Myrtle Melanson

Biological father's name: Roy E. Brown


+ Please contact Richard (friend of adoptee) through this website.


Female Adoptee 4/30/1969
Protestant Home for Babies


Female born April, 30 1969

I was born 4/30/1969 and placed for adoption in May, 1969.


+ Please contact Rachel through this website.



Male Adoptee (Family History)
Protestant Home for Babies


My now deceased father-in-law was born Earl Brown, Jr. on July, 2, 1931. He was "abandoned" at the Protestant Home for Babies on July 15, 1931 according to he adoption papers. He was adopted on July 7, 1932.


My husband and I have recently come across his adoption papers and discovered that he was apparently ill before he was adopted. We have 4 children so we are curious to know if there are any records left that may explain the illness or anything about his family history. 


Please let me know if you have any information that may be helpful to us.

+ Please contact me through this website.



Female Adoptee
8/8/62 FOUND
Protestant Home for Babies


Baby girl born August 8, 1962. I was told the director or representative placing me said I was the closest match she had placed in 25+ years to their German/Irish/Scottish background ( this may or may not be true).


Male Adoptee
Protestant Home for Babies


I am assisting my husband in locating birthparents, any possible siblings etc. His DOB is listed as April 1, 1965in New Orleans, LA, adopted from Protestant Home for Babies, but not adopted out until September 1965. Adoptive parents believe birth-name may have been "Bruce". Birthmother was possibly from Mississippi. My husband is/was blonde hair, blue eyes. We would welcome any information any one has from specific to non specific info. If another birthmother is known or located that was there during that time period and may remember something, that information would also be appreciated. Adoptive parents were/ are engineer for Shell (English) and house-wife (American). They also had two other older adopted children prior to my husband. They are now in their 80's and memories are fading. Prior to recently they have been kind of shady about details. My hubby's name is David Chapman.


+ Contact Betty through through this website.



Male Adoptee - FOUND! May 8, 2006 
Protestant Home for Babies

Mike found his birth-mom in May of 2006 on his own.


I was born on May 30, 1968 at Southern Baptist Hospital and adopted on July 19, 1968. I have a wonderful adoptive family who supports me and my ambitions to find my birth family. My birth mother lived within the home at Protestant Home for Babies in New Orleans, Louisiana throughout the end of her pregnancy. I believe the typical stay at the home was around four months. If this is correct, she would have entered the home in either January or February of 1968. With so little non-identifying information, it seems nearly impossible to make a connection; however, I still have hope in my search efforts. Given the circumstances, I believe that my birth mother made the best decision that she could, and I would never personally blame her for giving me the life that I have lived thus far. As with every adoptee, I do have a sense of belonging that needs to be fulfilled – an emptiness, and a curiosity that stems from not knowing my history. I have recently heard stories from various birth mothers associated with Protestant Home for Babies; therefore, I am able to relate to their stories as well. I am interested in hearing more stories from birthmothers who stayed at Protestant Home for Babies. Some of the things that I would like to hear about include: what was the atmosphere of the home like on a day-to-day basis, what was life, in general, like around the home, how did the staff members treat the women, and what was it like once the women left the home. I am sure that other adoptees from the home would also love to hear some of the birth mothers’ stories. I’ll close in saying that if you are a birth mother and are visiting this site, please understand that adoptees do not search because we want to come into your life to disrupt it; rather, we just want a chance to establish some type of relationship and fill the voids from our past. I have heard so many stories about the attorneys and staff counseling you, as a birth mother, to never search for your children. Once your child has reached their legal age, search for them! If you have not registered with the voluntary state registry, then please do so. -Mike B.



Male Adoptee FOUND 8/05
Protestant Home for Babies

Noble found his birth-family!


Place of birth -- Baptist Hospital, New Orleans

Protestant Home for Babies


Female Adoptee - FOUND 3/11/05 - THIS IS ME, Beth
Protestant Home for Babies


This is my website, I started it in early February 2005, by March I found my birthmother online through a website called  I had posted my information around trying to draw people to this site. Sure enough my birthmom saw it and contacted me. It has been very exciting so far!I am always available to talk... (2005)

Female Adoptee FOUND NAME 3/14/05 MADE CONTACT 4/6/05
Protestant Home for Babies


Tricia found her birth-mother and large family, currently in Mississippi.

I was born at Truro infirmary in November of 1953.  My adoption was handled through New Orleans' Protestant Home for Babies, where my birth mother lived during her pregnancy.  She and my birth father were both from Mississippi.  I think she, age 20,  had been a waitress and he a drive-in restaurant manager.  He was about six years older than she.  She was an only child, as am I.  She was 5'2" tall, with light brown hair and blue eyes. He had dark hair and hazel eyes.  I was adopted by a wonderful couple living in Baton Rouge (my parents).  They are the best parents any one could ever hope for...I love them dearly!  When I was about fifteen or sixteen my mother took me to see Protestant Home for Babies.  Since then I have been back twice, each time I am in New Orleans.  I don't want to intrude on my birth family, but would be available to meet them IF that is what they would like.  I do, however, think it is important for adoptees to have far better access to their medical records.  It would be nice, for example, to know if every woman on my birth father's side died of breast cancer. That info I owe to myself, and more importantly, to my beautiful 20 year old daughter.  I am tired of writing "unknown" on my medical records.  Would LOVE to hear some stories about life at Protestant Home for Babies from a BIRTHMOTHER's point of view.  Why were so many of the birth mothers there from Mississippi in the mid 1950s?   I hope they never tear down that wonderful old house that is so dear to so many of us! - Tricia S.

Random Information I Found


A Birthmother who stayed at the Protestant Home in New Orleans says that when she was there in 1956, most of the girls staying there at the time were from Mississippi.

Information taken from




​© 2022 E. Ritland

Please note that Protestant Home for Babies, in New Orleans, LA is no longer in operation. All records have been turned over to the state of Louisiana and are in Baton Rouge. This is a personal site.

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